Dedicated 48 Needle Head straight for use with HPLC vial adaptor for all Porvair evaporatorsCode: 229410Loading...
Vial adaptor for 48 x 1.5ml HPLC vials (Finneran) black polypropyleneCode: 500109Loading...
Gasket for Needle head manifold for all Porvair evaporatorsCode: 229048Loading...
24 Well 12mm I.D. Vial Holder for solid aluminium for all Porvair evaporatorsCode: 229650Loading...
Disposable plastic vial rack with clear bottom for 13.75mm o.d. glass vials x 24Code: 229216Loading...
Replacement LCD screen for ultravap RCCode: 229133Loading...
MatCapper. Cap Mat Applicator for storage plates and tube racksCode: 229078Loading...
AutoCapper electrically operated mat capper for storage plates and vial racks 110/220VCode: 500246Loading...
MiniSeal 2 Automatic Single Plate Heat Sealer 110v / 230v, Supplied with two plate adaptor blocks, plate weight and line cord.Code: 500090Loading...
Skirtless PCR plate adaptor 96 wellCode: 500083Loading...
Plate adaptor 384 well PCR platesCode: 500084Loading...
Spare plate weight to hold film down during sealing - for RECESSED plates onlyCode: 500110Loading...
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