Code: 1.09060.1000
It means that 0.0025moles HCI in 100 ml solution. 0.0025 HCI is prepared by solving 0.09114 g HCI in water and then maintaining 0.1 L final volume.
per 1L
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M-Clarity™ quality level = MQ100
Merck have introduced into their Titripur® Titrants range packs with additional technology - Supelco® SmartTitrants use an RFID tag to provide a seamless data transfer between the smart titrator and the RFID tag on the label of the bottle of titrant. It will ensure that all information needed for method execution, result calculation and documentation is transferred to the titrator equipped with this technology. Mettler Toledo Compact and Excellence titrators include this technology. Please see ordering table below for packs with RFID tag.
Stability of product in Titripac packaging: Merck have carried out testing to show that products are stable for 36 months when in use and opened. Please see Technical report (Product specification) in the Related Information tab below